18 Jul Poster communication in ICOBTE 2017
Title: “Phytomanagement of metal(oid)-contaminated soils within the EU Interreg PhytoSUDOE project: field trials in progress and option appraisals.”
Partners involved: TODOS
Publication data: The International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE) 2017, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, July 16-20
poster Mench et al 2017 ICOBTE
Abstract: PhytoSUDOE (Demonstration of the improvement in soil biodiversity, functionality and ecosystem services through phytomanagement in contaminated and degraded soils within the Interreg Sudoe; SOE1/P5/E0189) is a project started in 2016 and funded by the European Regional Development Fund (European Commission) through the V Interreg Sudoe Programme.
Its main goal is the ecological remediation of degraded/contaminated environments by applying novel phytomanagement options that promote biodiversity, enhance ecosystem functionality and enable the sustainable use of resources. Several pot experiments and field trials are conducted on metal(loid)-contaminated soils from sites located in the Southwest France (in coordination with other sites in Spain and Portugal). A wood preservation site (S1, Cu-and Cu/PAH contaminated soils), an urban brownfield (S2, metal(loid) /PAH-contaminated soils), and mine tailings (S9, Pb/Zn/As-contaminated soil) are investigated. The influence of various vegetation covers, i.e. short rotation coppices of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal willow and poplar, perennial grasses (Miscanthus, vetiver, giant reed, Agrostis sp., etc.), and amendments (compost, biochar, iron grit, and basic slags, alone and in combination) on soil ecological functions is assessed. Phytomanaged and untreated (Unt) topsoils, and an uncontaminated soil (Ctrl) were collected in field plots and their phytotoxicity was determined in a 6 month-pot experiment (2.5 kg soil DW) using two clones of a fast growing tree, Eucalyptus gundal cv. 208 and cv. 121. Trees did not display visible symptoms on shoots. At the S1 site: incorporation of compost and dolomitic limestone in year 1, followed by compost addition in year 7, and bioavailable Cu stripping by a sunflower – tobacco rotation (with annual N-P-K fertilization) resulted in a similar shoot yield and maximum stem length (MSL) for the 208 clone as compared to the Ctrl soil. Biochar with and without compost (in year 1), with poplar intercropped with giant reed, was less efficient. The MSL was lower for the 121 clone as compared to the 208 ones and did not differ for the three soil types (phytomanaged, untreated, and Ctrl). Site S2: both clones grew similarly in the Unt and Ctrl soils, despite the high soil contamination. Site S9: 2% w/w pine bark and rice straw-derived biochar + 1% desalted red mud + 5% greenwaste compost (BCRM) was incorporated into the potted soil. MSL did not differ between the Unt and BCRM plants for both clones. For the clone 208, increase in MSL was higher (+42%) in the Ctrl soil than in the BCRM soil. Pot experiments and field trials are ongoing.