Artículo en Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Artículo en Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Título:¨ Field evaluation of one Cu-resistant somaclonal variant and two clones of tobacco for copper phytoextraction at a wood preservation site¨ Socios implicados: INRA Datos publicación: A. Kolbas, R. Herzig, L. Marchand. J-P. Maalouf,  N. Kolbas, M. Mench (2020)


Resumen (en inglés): A Cu-resistant somaclonal tobacco variant (NBCu 10-8-F1, C1), its BaG mother clone (C3), and the FoP tobacco clone (C2) werecultivatedat a wood preservationsiteonCu-contaminated soils(239–1290mgCu kg−1 soilrange)and anuncontaminated control site (CTRL, 21 mg Cu kg−1) to assess their shoot DW yields and potential use for bioavailable Cu stripping. The Cu concentration in the soil pore water varied between 0.15 and 0.84 mg L−1. Influences of Cu exposure and soil treatments, i.e., untreatedsoil(Unt),soils amended with compost and either dolomitic limestone(OMDL)or zerovalent iron grit(OMZ),on plant growth and shoot ionome were determined. All transplants survived and grew even at high total soil Cu. Shoots were harvested after 3 months (cut1). Subsequently,bottom suckers developed and were harvested after 2months(cut2).Total shoot DW yield (cuts1+2) varied between 0.8 and 9.9 t DW ha−1 year−1 depending on tobacco cultivars, soil treatments, and soil Cu exposure. It peaked for all cultivars in the OMDL plots at moderate Cu exposure (239–518 mg kg−1 soil), notably for the C2 plants. Cut 2  ontributedfor11–43%tototalshootDWyield. Increase in shoot DW yield diluted shoot Cu concentration.