GT3 (Leader UCP-CRP, other partners: ALL)

GT3 (Leader UCP-CRP, other partners: ALL)

The specific objectives of GT3 are to assess, within each phytomanagement option,

  1. the effect of plant cropping patterns on soil fertility, functional diversity and trace elements (TE) mobility;
  2. bioinoculant influence for improving plant performance and soil functionality/diversity; and finally,
  3. the effect of biostimulants on plant performance, TE mobility and uptake and soil functionality.

Thirty-five different phytomanagement options were implemented, in which the plant species (perennial and annual species) and plantation patterns (monoculture, polyculture and winter vegetation cover) of each site were selected based on the initial proposal and the data collected at the beginning of the project. The rooting of cuttings of the tree species was started in November 2016 – January 2017 and the rooted young trees were planted in the field in the spring of 2017. The winter crops were established in November 2016 and the annual crops were planted in the spring of 2017. Table GT3.1 summarizes the annual crops (mainly sunflower, tobacco and rapeseed) grown in the different sites. This working group also evaluates the improvement of plant growth and / or the accumulation / exclusion of trace metals in phytoremediation systems. In the first year of the project, 17 different phytomanagement options were established using microbial inocula. Table GT3.2 summarizes the different combinations of plant species, culture patterns and microbial inocula used at the sites.

Finally, the potential use of phytomining techniques is being evaluated. Phytomining proved to be efficient for nickel in the 2000s. However, research has been restricted to the recovery of nickel, while it could potentially be expanded to cover other valuable elements that can accumulate in soils. For example, the extraction and recovery of rare soil elements that have been classified as critical (for example, tungsten (W), rare earth elements (REE)) or as elements of high economic value (gold (Au) or tantalum (Ta)) has rarely been addressed. One of the activities of GT3 is to identify plant species and appropriate sites for gold recovery, and to evaluate the potential use of microorganisms associated with plants to improve the Au phytomining process. During the first year of the project, the initial work involved the prospecting of 9 inactive gold mines in Portugal and determination of metal levels, with special attention to gold, in soils / slag heaps and colonizing plants.

The last activity focuses on evaluating the contribution of organic amendments to improve plant response/establishment and biomass production in areas under phytomanagement. In site S1, new plots were implemented in March 2017 (in triplicate, n = 25, only colonized by some patches of Rumex acetosella and Agrostis sp.) to test the influence of 5 types of organic matter (solid fraction before and after biodigestion of pig manure, compost and compost pellets, and green waste compost) on Cu contamination and soil fertility (total soil Cu around 1000 mg Cu / kg). At the S5a, S5b, S6, S7 and S8 sites, the phytomanagement options which have been implemented are assessing the benefits of organic amendments (composts) elaborated from different residues.

Table-Summary with the phytomanagement schemes evaluated under PhytoSUDOE.

Site Nº Site name Managing partner Plant species evaluated Cropping systems evaluated Plot history Soil amendment GRO strategy; Biomass use
High-yielding annual crops
S1 St Médard d’Eyrans, FR


INRA Helianthus annuus; Nicotiana tabacum (1) Sunflower/tobacco rotation with winter crops (clover, Phacelia tanacetifolia) L OM, DL, OMDL, OM2DL, basic slags Aided phytoextraction; energy, seed oil
Hordeum vulgare (1) Co-cropping with sunflower N Compost, compost pellets, pig manures, greenwaste compost Aided phytostabilisation
S3 Borralha mine, PT


UCP Helianthus annuus (1) Monoculture; (2) Rotation with winter crops (clover); (3) Co-cropping with clover N Phytostabilisation
S6 Jundiz, ES


CEA, Neiker, UPV/EHU Rapeseed, Vicia faba minor, Helianthus annuus (1) Rotation (1st yr: rapeseed, 2nd yr: Vicia, 3rd: sunflower) N Biostabilised municipal wastes Aided phytostabilisation;
Perennial crops
S1 St Médard d’Eyrans, FR


INRA Populus nigra, Salix caprea, Salix viminalis (1) Monoculture, (2) co-cropping with Amorpha fruticosa (false indigo) L OM, DL, OMDL Aided phytostabilisation; biomass production
Pinus sp. (1) Co-cropping with Populus trichocarpa x deltoides (Beaupre” L Aided phytostabilisation
P. nigra, S. caprea (1) Monoculture; (2) Co-cropping with alfalfa N Aided phytostabilisation; biomass production
P. nigra (1) co-cropping with Arundo donax and white clover N Biochar, biochar and compost Aided phytostabilisation; biomass production
Eucalyptus so. (1) Monoculture N Aided phytostabilisation
Miscanthus (1) Monoculture L Aided phytostabilisation
Vetiver (1) Monoculture L Aided phytostabilisation
Grassy species (1) Monoculture L OM, DL, OMDL Aided phytostabilisation
Erucastrum incanum = Hirschfeldia incana (1) Monoculture N Phytomining (Cu)
S2 Parc aux Angéliques, FR


INRA P. nigra (1) co-cropping with alfalfa and ryegrass N Phytostabilisation, rhizodegradation
Alfalfa /grassy species (1) co-cropping alfalfa with ryegrass and meadow fescue N Phytostabilisation, rhizodegradation
S3 Borralha mine, PT


UCP Populus (clone AF2), P. nigra (1) Monoculture; (2)

co-cropping with alfalfa

N Phytostabilisation
S4 São Domingos mine, PT


FCTUC Rosmarinus officinalis (1) Monoculture; (2)

co-cropping with clover

N Phytostabilisation; Aromatic plant
S5 Ariñez, ES


CEA, Neiker, UPV/EHU Populus (clones Baldo and AF-18) (1) Monoculture; (2) co-cropping with alfalfa N Organic compost Aided phytostabilisation;
S6 Jundiz, ES


CEA, Neiker, UPV/EHU Salix (clones Olof) (1) Monoculture; (2) co-cropping with rapeseed N Organic compost Aided phytostabilisation;
S7 Mina de Rubiais, ES CSIC, USC Salix smithiana (1) Monoculture; (2) intercropping with Alnus glutinosa L Composted SS Aided phytoextraction
Salix smithiana (S-218 and S-150) (1) Monoculture N Composted SS Aided phytoextraction
S8 Touro, ES CSIC, USC Populus nigra, Salix viminalis (1) Monoculture L Composted SS; waste mixtures Aided phytostabilisation
Populus (clone Skado, clone AF2) (1) Monoculture; (2) co-cropping with alfalfa/clover N Composted SS; waste mixtures Aided phytostabilisation
Agrostis capillaris cv. Highland (1) Monoculture L Composted SS; waste mixtures Aided phytostabilisation;

Site history: L, long term; N, new site

Soil amendments: OM, greenwaste compost; DL, dolomitic limestone; OMDL, dolomitic limestone +compost; OM2DL: OMDL plus a second addition of compost; SS, sewage sludge


Table-Summary of bio-inoculants evaluated under PhytoSUDOE.

Site Nº Site name Managing partner Plant species evaluated Cropping system evaluated Bioinoculant type Objective Plot history
High-yielding annual crops
S3 Borralha mine, PT


UCP Helianthus annuus (1) Monoculture; (2) Rotation with winter crops (clover); (3) Co-cropping with clover Endophytic bacterial strains + AMF Improve plant growth, enhance metal accumulation??? N
Perennial crops
S1 St Médard d’Eyrans, FR


INRA Populus nigra, Salix caprea, Salix viminalis (1) Monoculture AMF Improve plant growth and tolerance L
P. nigra, S. caprea (1) Monoculture; (2) Co-cropping with alfalfa PGPR consortium + AMF Improve plant growth and tolerance; improve PAH degradation N
S3 Borralha mine, PT


UCP Populus (clone AF2), P. nigra (1) Monoculture; (2)

co-cropping with alfalfa

Endophytic bacterial strains + AMF Improve plant growth, enhance metal accumulation??? N
S4 São Domingos mine, PT


FCTUC Rosmarinus officinalis (1) Monoculture PGPR + AMF Improve plant survival and growth N
S5 Ariñez, ES


CEA, Neiker, UPV/EHU Populus (clones Baldo and AF-18) (1) Monoculture; (2) co-cropping with alfalfa AMF N
S6 Jundiz, ES


CEA, Neiker, UPV/EHU Salix (clone Olof) (1) Monoculture; (2) co-cropping with rapeseed AMF N
S7 Mina de Rubiais, ES CSIC, USC Salix smithiana (S-218 and S-150) (1) Monoculture 4 PGPR, 1 Endophytic bacterial strain Improve plant growth, enhance metal accumulation N
S8 Touro, ES CSIC, USC Populus (clone Skado, clone AF2) (1) Monoculture; (2) co-cropping with alfalfa/clover PGPR consortium + AMF Improve plant growth and tolerance N

PGPR, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria

PGP, Plant growth-promoting

AMF, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi


The tasks of WG3 during the second year of PhytoSUDOE have focused on the design and establishment of several phytomanagement options at each site, evaluating the benefits of organic amendments (based on organic residues), annual crops, herbaceous and / or woody crops, monoculture planting schemes or co-cultivation incorporating legumes, and bioinoculants based on mycorrhizal and / or bacterial inocula (alone or in combination). The main advance in this WG3 was the establishment and implementation of the numerous experimental plots designed to evaluate all these different aspects. The first harvest of annual crops was completed during the summer of 2017, and at some sites two harvests are available (2016 and 2017).

In the final months of the project, a “Technical guide on strategies to improve the efficiency of phytomanagement: plantation patterns, bioinoculation and biostimulation” was prepared.

In October, 2018, PhytoSUDOE officially ended. The Project deliverables were finalized along January-February, 2019, including the Layman report and the project’s video that were uploaded to the webpage’s news section (blog). Other relevant publications can be accessed also in the web along with the presentations (PDF) of the series of events organized by PhytoSUDOE. This website will be online until 2023.