GTT1 (Leader IIAG/CSIC, other partners: ALL)

GTT1 (Leader IIAG/CSIC, other partners: ALL)

The first meeting of the consortium took place in the Casa Europa in Santiago de Compostela on September 19, 2016. This meeting was attended by all members of the consortium. During the meeting, each GT leader summarized the most relevant aspects (objectives, activities, participants, products, deliverables, etc.) and organized the future work of each group. The project coordinator presented in a summarized form the most relevant aspects of GT.T1 related to the structures, responsibilities and procedures for administrative management and the daily coordination of the project. Finally, the members of the project steering committee (PSC) were appointed. In addition, representatives of several beneficiary partners attended the meeting on the management of Interreg projects held in Santander on 26 and 27 September 2016.

Representatives of all partners (except UAveiro) attended the annual General Assembly of the project that took place at the University of Bordeaux on the 27th-28th April 2017. The INRA group organized this meeting which included an excursion to the S1 and S2 field sites. The project coordinator summarized the most relevant aspects of the project’s overall management and each GT leader (M Mench, C Garbisu, P Castro, C Monterroso and A Albaina) presented the most relevant aspects (objectives, activities, participants, products, deliverables, etc.) of its GT and amongst all the participants the future work of each group was agreed and organized.

The second annual General Assembly of PhytoSUDOE was held at the Portuguese Catholic University of Oporto on April 18, 2018. In addition to sharing the results obtained to date, consensus was reached and the pending activities were scheduled until the end of the project.

In October, 2018, PhytoSUDOE officially ended. The Project deliverables were finalized along January-February, 2019, including the Layman report and the project’s video that were uploaded to the webpage’s news section (blog). Other relevant publications can be accessed also in the web along with the presentations (PDF) of the series of events organized by PhytoSUDOE. This website will be online until 2023.